
These members have the most Scooties.

Position: 11
Scooties: 60988
Username: wrangler
Rank: Weltenbummler
Position: 12
Scooties: 50460
Username: HdH50
Rank: Weltenbummler
Position: 13
Scooties: 47760
Username: vespisti
Rank: Weltenbummler
Position: 14
Scooties: 42682
Username: Balu1
Rank: Weltenbummler
Position: 15
Scooties: 40946
Username: Wilddieb
Rank: Weltenbummler
Position: 16
Scooties: 38732
Username: rudiroller
Rank: Tourguide
Position: 17
Scooties: 38092
Username: Scooter
Rank: Tourguide
Position: 18
Scooties: 34384
Username: derSulzfelder
Rank: Tourguide
Position: 19
Scooties: 18190
Username: hdkeil
Rank: Tourenheld
Position: 20
Scooties: 17544
Username: Guenni
Rank: Tourenheld
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You can reach these ranks if you have enough Scooties .

  Rank Scooties
Spermie 0
Embryo 10
Frühgeburt 40
Windelschisser 100
BobbyCarfahrer 200
Radfahrer 500
Mofafahrer 800
Fuffifahrer 1000
Rollerfan 1500
Rollerfahrer 2500
Tourenfahrer 5000
Tourenheld 10000
Tourguide 30000
Weltenbummler 40075
Eisenarsch 70000

Scooties earn

The way to earn Scooties :

Action Scooties
New forum post: 20 Scooties
Successful invitation: 200 Scooties
New friend: 20 Scooties
New image uploaded: 10 Scooties
New video uploaded: 40 Scooties
10 minutes online: 2 Scooties