Scooterfrends Unterfranken
Welcome to the scooter friends of Lower Franconia
For us it is first and foremost about having fun with scooters and from 125ccm everyone with two- or three-wheelers is welcome.
Once a month we hold a regulars' table with our women on Sundays.
Although this is not a compulsory course, it is always nice when many get together.
We are not an association and there are no statutes or club fees.
Fahrt zum kleinen Kreuzberg (13 Replies)
10/18/2024 09:52 AM, by vinni -
Vatertagstour nach (neuen) Dreifrankenstein (3 Replies)
05/07/2024 09:01 AM, by Bilderguide -
Tour am Samstag- 30.03.24 (3 Replies)
03/28/2024 06:31 PM, by Kellerrolli -
Januar Stammtisch der RfU 19.01.2024 18:00Uhr (0 Replies)
01/02/2024 08:39 PM, by Rhoeni -
Weihnachts-Stammtisch der RfU am 15.12.2023 (10 Replies)
12/22/2023 10:55 AM, by VespaResi -
Tour zur Krug Bräu und Teufelshöhle Fränkische Schweiz (13 Replies)
12/06/2023 11:32 PM, by Kellerrolli -
Stammtisch der RfU in Mellrichstadt am 17.11.23 (6 Replies)
11/18/2023 01:58 PM, by Kurti -
Ausfahrt der RF Unterfranken zum Windbeutelparadies Zella-Mehlis (29 Replies)
10/04/2023 12:09 PM, by HarleyDieter -
29.07.2023 fahrt zum Dschungel Camp in Fürth. (0 Replies)
07/28/2023 02:24 PM, by Rhoeni -
Tagestour am Sonntag, 23.07.23 (0 Replies)
07/19/2023 01:22 PM, by Ryder55
Scooterfrends Unterfranken
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